Call me Kat. i read a lot of books. i watch a lot of movies. i drink a lot. i go out a lot. i don't want my life to be like someone else. i know i am unique and nobody should dare imitate me or anything about me. i love to eat. i love to bake and cook. i love listening to music. and i just dont want to stop finding myself
Saturday, December 09, 2006
making it work
looking for materials that are cheaper and it took us places where we really have to feel the heat of the sun. it wasn't pleasant. if only you would to go out of the house and find sand and a beach to go to. or just a small swimming pool to dip in in the afternoon.
we are not rich, we have to work. i just hope it wouldn't take to much of my energy and it would mean less time and more fun. of course those jobs or career paths are taken only by the richer ones and as everyone knows i'm not one of them. (don't counter)
i have dreams, i have problems, i have so many things in my head, i want to stop thinking and just do things i want. if only i have the money. i hope my plan works. it doesn't have to perfect but atleast successful enough to make me go through life healthy and independent.
i really want to study more. to make me more knowledgeable of things i should do in order to run my company well. the problem is i have to have experience. i specialize in Entrepreneurship. i dont know how to work for a company. at first i was trying to apply for companies but in the end, i told myself that working in the corporate world is not for me. i have turned down a lot of companies and i can't even count them with my fingers. i have chosen a path i think is the wrong turn to "my success".
i've been thinking about the future a lot lately. i feel now that i'm getting older and older. i don't need the number in my age to tell me this but the responsibilities that keep coming and they keep piling up in all those stacks. i can't stop them and if i don't answer to them now, when will i ever will. i think this is the time. i have to decide. i know there is more time in my life but the list jsut keeps on getting longer and longer and my time shorter and shorter for all those things to happen.
work / career / future
love / life / family / friends
how can you balance all these things when you only have two hands, two feet, one mind, one heart?
Sunday, December 03, 2006
dressed up for the mall
it was the night of picking our babies for the chrissie kringle. of course this kris kringle is very popular these days as its very expensive to give gifts to your loved ones.
pam emailed us a week ago asking if we want to have the chrissie kringle and we agreed to the rules laid out. we had to pick our babies and each baby has written down 10 things that is at most p1000 worth and you would just pick from the list so that you won't have a hard time looking for a gift for everyone and making the person like the gift you give. also its a very good way to save some money. (as if i have money to save?)
a trip to mall is like a trip to the other room of house for me. i usually don't need to dress up and obviously i couldn't really care less. now i like dressing up. i dont get to wear all my clothes so this is the perfect time to wear them. i dont even care what other people say about what i wear and how i look like i just wear what is comfy and what i feel.
i looked like this
fifi and i got to talk about how it is weird to be dress up real nice and ride the LRT and MRT to go somewhere. people would be looking at you and stare and laugh. that's what i would do if i see someone like that.
we got there and i finally bought myself my own badger sleep enhancer.
we ate dessert at Dairy queen. the most bloggable thing happened. felice noticed the name written in the receipt was "PELISH". just when you thought that Venice is funny. this comes up. i laughed so hard the girl asked me if she got it wrong. she just apologized because she didn't hear the name that well. but of course there is a much worse story. some store and i think it was starbucks, where the barista wrote the word "PENIS" down the cup. or the time the maid SMSed felice and spelled her name as "PILES". understandable for them because they are Bisaya. but the Barista from Starbucks and the employee from DQ. Shame on you! hahaand played a little in timezone. we had our picture taken at the adlib of wind. it was so much fun. at first we thought we complete and figured out in the end of the first shots that giles wasn't in any of the pictures. we repeated the shots again and the vanity in all of us got out and gone wild.

Thursday, November 30, 2006
salamin album launch
oh the night went good. at first we had a hard time locating the street where the bar is located but sometime during our nth cruise around the same streets we got to where we needed to be without zaza crying her eyes out(let's not talk about it here).
i didn't bring money to buy the cd so i will just wait till i get a hold of them another time and get them to sign my cd. the band was good. something i would be fond of listening. didn't sound like bamboo or hale. unique! and i love it.
i wanna see them play again. or maybe we could play together. i hope. unless they're too popular to play at small-time bars.
at the end of the event. all the singing and the dancing(which i still waiting for) and the press conference, we had the chance to meet and greet the band members.
paolo - vocals
justin - lead
miks - bass
bogs - rhythm
eo - drums (i hope i got them right!)
took pictures of them,

with them

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
a lot of things on my mind
1. i graduated last october 14, 2006 at PICC with all the other lasallians
2. mozzie is back in business
3. i've been looking for a job and been too lazy to go to my interviews
4. hitting the gym every once in a while to get into shape so the time i go back to boracay i would be deserving to wear my swimsuits.
5. shopping for a lot of DVDs, watching a lot of TV shows from my mini DVD player and staying up til everybody would be awake the next day
6. trying to sell goods that i've made
all this and you can call me the unemployed or in short - the BUM!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
final freedom

as always this would mean the end of the photo op in the beach. the more we had to move faster because our ride would pick us up at exactly 12pm. we took a lot of pictures of the last time we would ever see white sand in months... (we would be going back this january for sure).

make us...

i was tired and exhausted. im feeling all the non-sleep i have been having since day one. i wanted to go with the last trip to d'mall with pam, ate and fifi but i just dont want to move anymore.
we were the cause of delay everybody. the moment the service picked us up, the girls weren't back yet from their accessory shopping to the boat ride and the bus ride back to kalibo.
never again will i land in kalibo. the bus ride is long and my back really hurts.
i'm feeling the sunburn all over my body. im itchy and my body aches. even if the vacay was suppose to be relaxation, the trip was still exhausting. the walk from the resort to d'mall. the whole station 1 to station 2 was long and hot... even more when the tricycle squeezed the 6 of us in one and charged us P60 then P50 then P4o. the walk became more and more exhausting.
we got into the plane tired but couldn't stop taking pictures of ourselves.
the view from the top
the clouds
the profile
the beautiful world
Friday, September 22, 2006
we called it freedom part II
not that early early morning but still the early bird. still excited, but not dressed up anymore. i went to get our breakfast voucher and ate already. i was hungry already but there was no tocino. so breakfast was not as good as the other day but i ate more. HUH? weird right. i had more space for food maybe because i went to the bathroom first before eating giving me enough for breakfast.
its the same thing all over again but funner!
looking at secret accessories thanks to giles.
getting ready for lunch at jammers
pictures at sunset
under the sun
water upto my feet.
last pose with a bathing suit on
someone was sleeping still...
Last Night
the night unlike any other night. we went for our last mexican galore. had a couple of drinks and partied and club paraw.

outside club paraw. spotting some cute guys in the dark.
kulang. wala na naman si arvin. hindi ka nagtatago ngayon pero kala siguro nung waiter hindi ka kasama sa pic. a lesson you have to learn. when the camera is pointing at you try not hide but smile... :D
not drunk at all just plain fun
dancing when nobody was
peeps who got a little to drink
as three of the oldies left to rest, we were left to enjoy the our last night.
giles, his friends and family joined us in club paraw. we had a litle number of our own around the table. cool fam!
danced the night away...
danced some more...
the more i will never forget the night...
Thursday, September 21, 2006
we called it freedom part I

it was funny coz this trip was planned 6 months ago and i bought my ticket just a week before we left for boracay. but my excitement was much more or almost the same as the other 5 people in this trip. it has been marked as my first ever trip without any parent around.
OH PLEASE! i can be trusted i didn't go out partying all night. i had control. and maybe because im afraid that my relatives and friends would be shocked i they see me go wild. the fact that half of us sleep early and are not used to drinking and just wen

it was all peaceful and refreshing.
during the trip, i had to ask money from my dad of course as i just finished school. (waiting for the march on october 14) i still don't have money so i had to ask for money. i wasn't used to going to a different place where i really have to budget my money so i can still go out the next night or eat something good the next. i have to start living. i was thinking a lot of going to find work and earning money so i can go out whenever i want to coz i have the money to and can afford to.
i don't want to be the daddys-little-girl-who-can-get-money-anytime-anywhere-for-anything. my friends think that i am that girl. because i always have the latest gadgets, the expensive clothes it doesn't mean i want that life. of course i want a life where i can sit back relax but i have to work hard for it.

the life in the beach is what i want to have when i have my own business. i want that to have in my future.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
i got up really early and gave fifi and ate a call. of course they didn't answer the phone but i have their helper wake them up. i went to bathroom and took a bath as tired as i was, i went inside the shower and prepared me and my bag. "this is really happening! i can't believe it. fuck me if this is a dream!"
i was up early that i checked the if they're ready and to ask if what time we would be leaving the house to get a cab. i also had time for a morning coffee. this is so that i could not fall asleep or anything while waiting for them. of course, as my first time to go on a trip without my parents, they were both in my room and checking if i have everything i need and had not brought anything they think might get stolen during the trip. (i know they're just concerned but i'm a big girl and i'm not the type of person who would run around and show off every goddamn gadget i have so that everybody could see.
when i was drinking my coffee, my dad went down and asked me why we're still at home, i went to the other house and asked them to leave. my lola made a comment i thought i would just forget, but i was kinda hurt. she told me that i should already get dressed when i was already dressed. just when you thought she would just be silent and kiss us goodbye, she would open her

as we left, i was still talking about that comment until we got into the cab. it was funny, we were looking for a cab and had to walk for about a quarter of a mile to spot a cab that thankfully had its tires aired(?). well allas we got into the cab and got into the airport. we had our bags checked-in and met up with pam, arvin and J. we were waiting for the plane when it finally arrived we thought we had to drink the coffee we had just bought so we could get on the plane. but we just held on to the cup of coffee (that was one of the worst coffee i have had) and to the chocolate crossaint that i finished even before entering the plane.
freaky though coz there was this one guy that kept looking at us the whole trip and when the flight attendants were

we we're in boracay!
the water is oH-so-clear. and the sun is so bright(and i liked it), there was wind, waves, fresh air(?). it felt good.
we got into our rooms and changed the moment

we were waiting for everyone to get dressed so we enjoyed the sun. when i say we i mean me and ate. we were so excited. as she hasn' been out of the house for almost 8 years and i have been on house arrest for almost 3 months. we all are excited, but some of us are just a little bit afraid of the dark.

we were on a journey to eat at the recommended restaurants by J's sister, we came across this little mexican place and argued if we were gonna eat there or not. of course

we walked back to our place and just as relaxing, played by the shore and talked. just like in the movies. it took me about an hour and i already got my tan. we went for a dip in the beach when we realized that nobody would be dipping with

we went back to d'mall and had our dinner and planned to play cards after a short nap and as i was left watching movie, two hours after, that my two roommates wouldn't get up again. so i just continued watching White Chicks Uncut and

Thursday, September 14, 2006
i only got about 5 hours of sleep and i run outside to look at the beautiful beach and run inside again to wake everybody up and took a quick bath so i can jump to the pool right after a good breakfast.
unfortch, the pool opens at 9am and i finished breakfast earlier than expected. i thought i would have a very big appetite but the power of the tocino wasn't that strong.

with all the excitement and energy i had, i almost forgot the most important thing. to put on sunblock. because i burn my skin faster than any other person, i had to put on more but i didn't as you would see how dark i am now. even with the correct light, i still am just the teeth. we got into the the water expect we doesnt mean two. it was six. haha
felice attempted her first sand castle. we had our photoshoot in the water and finally got ate to agree on burrying her in the sand. and as we planned to make her a very sexy mermaid, she

we had an early start, i just couldn't believe that we were all up even before lunch as that never happens at home. we went to lunch and heavens came upon us. the little authentic Mexican joint was to die for. but it was little too expensive than we thought it would. and im thankful that we did eat there. as i would go back for some more.
more photos, more relaxations, more beach, more sun, more tan...

we had to take a little nap before we go for sailing. i woke up an hour before the thing when i really wanted to take a dip into the pool. so i passed by pam's room and asked them what time we should be ready. i took a dip and changed into normal clothes. and to my mistake, i didn't have my bathing suit on.
we went sailing and got all wet. it was so fun but i can't stop thinking that i would drown or the sailboat would tumble over and we would be eaten by something under water. my imagination was wild. i just didn't tell anyone about it. but it was worth it.

we had our picture taken with the very nice sand castle and walked our way to the resort and had our tattoos dry up outside under the night sky. we got our gin and juice out and concocted a drink of our own to enjoy. CHEAP! we played sunka where i was such a loser.
we thought that we we're all going to stay out there and play cards but arvin wasn't feeling very well and pam had to look after him. ate was

set the alarm and slept for a bit...
Almost over but still have to cross the finish line
a few days and term is finally over... but it is still a few days. 3 months ago, my brother made sure i will be enrolled this term. he mad...
it started early because as yearly, fifi celebrates her birthday. but something was different this year. ah yeah... the birthday girl was m...
it has been one month of attending class. i've been feeling the pressure in me. i can't help but feel that i'm missing the nicot...