it was funny coz this trip was planned 6 months ago and i bought my ticket just a week before we left for boracay. but my excitement was much more or almost the same as the other 5 people in this trip. it has been marked as my first ever trip without any parent around.
OH PLEASE! i can be trusted i didn't go out partying all night. i had control. and maybe because im afraid that my relatives and friends would be shocked i they see me go wild. the fact that half of us sleep early and are not used to drinking and just wen

it was all peaceful and refreshing.
during the trip, i had to ask money from my dad of course as i just finished school. (waiting for the march on october 14) i still don't have money so i had to ask for money. i wasn't used to going to a different place where i really have to budget my money so i can still go out the next night or eat something good the next. i have to start living. i was thinking a lot of going to find work and earning money so i can go out whenever i want to coz i have the money to and can afford to.
i don't want to be the daddys-little-girl-who-can-get-money-anytime-anywhere-for-anything. my friends think that i am that girl. because i always have the latest gadgets, the expensive clothes it doesn't mean i want that life. of course i want a life where i can sit back relax but i have to work hard for it.

the life in the beach is what i want to have when i have my own business. i want that to have in my future.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
i got up really early and gave fifi and ate a call. of course they didn't answer the phone but i have their helper wake them up. i went to bathroom and took a bath as tired as i was, i went inside the shower and prepared me and my bag. "this is really happening! i can't believe it. fuck me if this is a dream!"
i was up early that i checked the if they're ready and to ask if what time we would be leaving the house to get a cab. i also had time for a morning coffee. this is so that i could not fall asleep or anything while waiting for them. of course, as my first time to go on a trip without my parents, they were both in my room and checking if i have everything i need and had not brought anything they think might get stolen during the trip. (i know they're just concerned but i'm a big girl and i'm not the type of person who would run around and show off every goddamn gadget i have so that everybody could see.
when i was drinking my coffee, my dad went down and asked me why we're still at home, i went to the other house and asked them to leave. my lola made a comment i thought i would just forget, but i was kinda hurt. she told me that i should already get dressed when i was already dressed. just when you thought she would just be silent and kiss us goodbye, she would open her

as we left, i was still talking about that comment until we got into the cab. it was funny, we were looking for a cab and had to walk for about a quarter of a mile to spot a cab that thankfully had its tires aired(?). well allas we got into the cab and got into the airport. we had our bags checked-in and met up with pam, arvin and J. we were waiting for the plane when it finally arrived we thought we had to drink the coffee we had just bought so we could get on the plane. but we just held on to the cup of coffee (that was one of the worst coffee i have had) and to the chocolate crossaint that i finished even before entering the plane.
freaky though coz there was this one guy that kept looking at us the whole trip and when the flight attendants were

we we're in boracay!
the water is oH-so-clear. and the sun is so bright(and i liked it), there was wind, waves, fresh air(?). it felt good.
we got into our rooms and changed the moment

we were waiting for everyone to get dressed so we enjoyed the sun. when i say we i mean me and ate. we were so excited. as she hasn' been out of the house for almost 8 years and i have been on house arrest for almost 3 months. we all are excited, but some of us are just a little bit afraid of the dark.

we were on a journey to eat at the recommended restaurants by J's sister, we came across this little mexican place and argued if we were gonna eat there or not. of course

we walked back to our place and just as relaxing, played by the shore and talked. just like in the movies. it took me about an hour and i already got my tan. we went for a dip in the beach when we realized that nobody would be dipping with

we went back to d'mall and had our dinner and planned to play cards after a short nap and as i was left watching movie, two hours after, that my two roommates wouldn't get up again. so i just continued watching White Chicks Uncut and

Thursday, September 14, 2006
i only got about 5 hours of sleep and i run outside to look at the beautiful beach and run inside again to wake everybody up and took a quick bath so i can jump to the pool right after a good breakfast.
unfortch, the pool opens at 9am and i finished breakfast earlier than expected. i thought i would have a very big appetite but the power of the tocino wasn't that strong.

with all the excitement and energy i had, i almost forgot the most important thing. to put on sunblock. because i burn my skin faster than any other person, i had to put on more but i didn't as you would see how dark i am now. even with the correct light, i still am just the teeth. we got into the the water expect we doesnt mean two. it was six. haha
felice attempted her first sand castle. we had our photoshoot in the water and finally got ate to agree on burrying her in the sand. and as we planned to make her a very sexy mermaid, she

we had an early start, i just couldn't believe that we were all up even before lunch as that never happens at home. we went to lunch and heavens came upon us. the little authentic Mexican joint was to die for. but it was little too expensive than we thought it would. and im thankful that we did eat there. as i would go back for some more.
more photos, more relaxations, more beach, more sun, more tan...

we had to take a little nap before we go for sailing. i woke up an hour before the thing when i really wanted to take a dip into the pool. so i passed by pam's room and asked them what time we should be ready. i took a dip and changed into normal clothes. and to my mistake, i didn't have my bathing suit on.
we went sailing and got all wet. it was so fun but i can't stop thinking that i would drown or the sailboat would tumble over and we would be eaten by something under water. my imagination was wild. i just didn't tell anyone about it. but it was worth it.

we had our picture taken with the very nice sand castle and walked our way to the resort and had our tattoos dry up outside under the night sky. we got our gin and juice out and concocted a drink of our own to enjoy. CHEAP! we played sunka where i was such a loser.
we thought that we we're all going to stay out there and play cards but arvin wasn't feeling very well and pam had to look after him. ate was

set the alarm and slept for a bit...
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