new year has come and i haven't really thought about what my new year resolutions would be. is it really necessary. i have been a god girl as far as i know. and it would be a waste to even change something that no one has a problem with.
this was the year mozzie played at the Alternative stage of Fete dela Musique.
2005 was a year of break ups(shhh!).
it was a year of getting together for some. i wish i was one of them. when will that happen? i guess if i make a move now...?
the sweetest couple ever!
so not the sweetest couple ever!
2005 was a year of unraveling secrets. some people liked some people and some just can't keep their emotions to themselves(SECRET PA RIN).
it was a year a happy memories. graduation of fifi and she left after our gig on july.
the rivermaya and kitchie nadal concert at araneta
my lasalle retreat with good friends. boring but okay.
2005 is when i wasn't really planning on celebrating my birthday but ended up spending it with my guy friends.
BEST PICTURE EVER! look at it closely.
When some got pregnant and is beginning to gain weight.
Vacation together with the whole family in Japan. went apple picking, all the roadtrips we could have done..
ate all the japanese food we could
nov 10, 2005 when i got to meet someone special!
the year we passed with flying colors with the thesis proposal and started to actually sell the product, Molocco, to the market.
had our first bazaar for practicum
i got my new laptop
party till i can no longer party.
drank till my hair was cut
discovered a new drinks.
the year when hanging out was the only thing i do. and studying is just second or even the last.

with all my friends and family by my side, i dont think i could gone through that year. it has been heaven and hell at the same time. and i thanks everyone for being there. you all know who you guys are. THANKS A LOT!
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