it was the night of picking our babies for the chrissie kringle. of course this kris kringle is very popular these days as its very expensive to give gifts to your loved ones.
pam emailed us a week ago asking if we want to have the chrissie kringle and we agreed to the rules laid out. we had to pick our babies and each baby has written down 10 things that is at most p1000 worth and you would just pick from the list so that you won't have a hard time looking for a gift for everyone and making the person like the gift you give. also its a very good way to save some money. (as if i have money to save?)
a trip to mall is like a trip to the other room of house for me. i usually don't need to dress up and obviously i couldn't really care less. now i like dressing up. i dont get to wear all my clothes so this is the perfect time to wear them. i dont even care what other people say about what i wear and how i look like i just wear what is comfy and what i feel.
i looked like this
fifi and i got to talk about how it is weird to be dress up real nice and ride the LRT and MRT to go somewhere. people would be looking at you and stare and laugh. that's what i would do if i see someone like that.
we got there and i finally bought myself my own badger sleep enhancer.
we ate dessert at Dairy queen. the most bloggable thing happened. felice noticed the name written in the receipt was "PELISH". just when you thought that Venice is funny. this comes up. i laughed so hard the girl asked me if she got it wrong. she just apologized because she didn't hear the name that well. but of course there is a much worse story. some store and i think it was starbucks, where the barista wrote the word "PENIS" down the cup. or the time the maid SMSed felice and spelled her name as "PILES". understandable for them because they are Bisaya. but the Barista from Starbucks and the employee from DQ. Shame on you! hahaand played a little in timezone. we had our picture taken at the adlib of wind. it was so much fun. at first we thought we complete and figured out in the end of the first shots that giles wasn't in any of the pictures. we repeated the shots again and the vanity in all of us got out and gone wild.

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