Tuesday, August 30, 2005

its good...

Your IQ Is 100

Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Exceptional
Your General Knowledge is Average

how nice. im quite the average person i know i am.

it's good...

Friday, August 26, 2005

i lost everything...

it's like the incident in the world trade center. we lost people we really cherished. a black hole is over me. wanting to eat every part of me. a virus that ate up every piece of memory i had. good and bad ones...

my files. my music and every picture i have. it is all long gone.
alicia keys concert
christmas 2004
new year
hanging out
dress ups
fete dela musique
lahat ng pictures ko... nawala na

ipod music... all 5000 songs... *sob**sob*

all my life is gone.. with just a blink of an eye... because of those stupid people creating viruses. what the hell are your problems? why can't you do anything that will only make your own lives miserable. why do you have to get mine?

i wanted to cry. all i have left from those memories are those pictures and now they're all gone. i miss my ipod na rin.

pero now i don't have class, i'm free i can do whatever. im gonna rebuild this whole pc and get it back to the normal pc i had before it crashed.

changing the topic.

this past term has been very stressful and i deserve an applause for passing it without breaking down.



a break na break tlga...

oh life....

Monday, August 22, 2005

Loving someone is never a sin. It is what people do out of love that sometimes makes it all wrong. The selfish desire to want that person is what makes it a sin. Don't think only of your feelings for real love doesn't have a place for selfish people. When there is love, there is always sacrifice. When we love someone,we NEVER easily GIVEUP on that person. Even if we get hurt badly we always try to find a way to ease the pain and learn to understand and forgive.Loving too much doesn't hurt. It is when we expect this love to be reciprocated that we begin to seek approval and acceptance of the things we have done and when we are taken for granted and rejected,we curse the very same love that we once freely and happily offered."DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME WAITING FOR SOMEONE WHO NEVER REALLY CARED ABOUT HOW YOU WOULD HAVE FELT. OPEN YOUR HEART AGAIN AND GIVE YOURSELF THE CHANCE TO FIND THE WOMAN WHO WOULD MAKE LOVING WORTH THE PAIN AND THE SACRIFICE. Just like anything else, our love grows weak and extent Beyond that,it withers without any hope of recovery and soon dies".God wakes us up in the midst of a storm to teach us a lesson.He takes away people we love, so we can learn to value love itself. He makes us cry so hard so we can see clearly when we open our eyes. He makes us bitter so we can realize that there is no genuine happiness if we think only of our needs and not of others. Relationships built on jealousy and selfishness is doomed from the very beginning. The hardest part of losing love is letting go and moving on. Most of us cry endlessly over things that could have been but never will be. "God allows us to experience pain to make us strongerand better persons. He will see us through the
most trying and difficult times in our lives and only if we put our trust in Him we can learn to find joy in our tears and happiness in our sorrows". In many failed relationships, separation comes as the inevitable choice but moving on always proves to be twice as difficult as letting go. Sometimes, the end of a relationship is imposed on us, but our choice to hold on is always beyond the control of circumstances. Letting go is a decision that can never be dictated on us. It is a resolve we make ourselves. Acceptance is the key to a new beginning and time is the healer of all wounds. Even if the storm casts its fearful shadow, there will always be light after our darkness and lonely moments. There is always a hope for those who
believe. There is always a chance for those who try. "Losing someone we may not be a loss at all but a blessing because someone even more is yet to come". There is nothing wrong in expressing our feelings to someone we love, but "we must always be sensitive to the signals that tell us when to rationalize and be sensible." There comes a time in our lives when we would fall for someone who wouldn't be as interested as we are because his attention is focused on someone else. There are
many times when we love but don't get loved in return. There are times when the sign ahead says stop but we still stubbornly head on. We would say our love is unconditional, but if it really is, thenwe should never feel bad.But why do we get frustrated when love turns sour? Because we still subconsciously seek acceptance and assurance from the people we care about Being in love can be the most wonderful thing we could experience but if the feeling begins to consume our whole beings, then we have to stop and let our minds and not our hearts dictate our actions. Only when we learn to accept our fate and understand the meaning of our failures we can truly go on w/life without having to luk back and cry over the things that could have
been but will never be"u CaN LeaRn tHe MoSt aBouT SoMeoNe NoT DuRiNg tHoSe MoMenTs oF
DeEp aNd PaSsiOnaTe TidBiTs oF LiFe, BuT DuRiNg tHoSe MoMenTs oF SiMpLiCiTy. tHe
MoSt DeEpeSt oF FeeLiNgS aRe BoRn DuRiNg tHoSe MoMeNtS. yOu CaN Be LyiNg iN BeD
WiTh tHaT PerSon aNd aLL oF a SudDen yOu ReaLiZe Damn, I'm in LoVe"

Almost over but still have to cross the finish line

a few days and term is finally over... but it is still a few days. 3 months ago, my brother made sure i will be enrolled this term. he mad...